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Client's voices...


NEO Emotional Release Training Facilitator

I want to thank you, Ariana, for our sessions.


You guided me to parts of myself I have known were there but disconnected from each other, and me. From our sessions, these parts of me are

now integrated with me and each other.


Parts that felt unprotected now feel safe. It has increased my power and confidence in

me to show up in this world exactly as I am,

and it feels amazing. There is nothing better.


I am wanting myself in ways and at a capacity

that I have never experienced before.

I am intentionally choosing and wanting myself

(and my inner child) like I never knew was possible. I am appreciating myself and my body without even thinking I/it needs to change. It is creating such a shift in my experience of life. I am falling in love with myself in the purest form.


You made the processes easy and safe,

and your presence in holding all of me in it was incredible.


Thank you for being you. 

Thank you for guiding me to me.

You are magic.



At first, I was a bit skeptical, yet an inner voice encouraged me to move forward. Today, I am immensely grateful for having followed that intuition as it has led to a profound opening of my heart.


This experience marked the first instance where I felt a sense of safety in confronting neglected aspects of myself. Previously, the thought of addressing certain past experiences and undesirable traits within me evoked fear and feelings of being overwhelmed. However, under your compassionate guidance and supportive presence, I found the courage to acknowledge and embrace these sides of myself for the very first time.


Ariana, I express my deep gratitude for your impactful work. Your guidance has illuminated my path. Your remarkable gift and nurturing presence have been profoundly healing.


Thank you for leading the way and fostering a space for growth and self-acceptance.


Finance Operations

As a man in the field of economics, I typically approach situations analytically and avoid delving too deeply into emotions. However, with my wife's encouragement, I decided to give Emotional Release therapy with Ariana a chance, despite initial hesitation.


After three sessions, I've come to realize the extent to which I've been suppressing emotions and disconnecting from both myself and my family. Through these sessions, I've started to address past situations and acknowledge emotions that I had been subconsciously suppressing, which were affecting me more than I had realized.


The physical tension I had been experiencing in my chest and shoulders over the past five months has disappeared. For the first time in a while, I feel balanced and at peace.


Ariana, your work has been truly transformative, and I am deeply grateful for guiding me through this challenging period in my life.


Yoga Teacher

​I've dipped my toes into various healing methods, but let me tell you, Emotional Release with Ariana is a total game-changer!


I've ventured into the realms of Ayahuasca and KAP, and these sessions hit me like a powerful plant medicine journey. Discovering this work has me over the moon, delving deep into myself consistently instead of just now and then.


Ariana, your support during our sessions is like a warm hug. Your gentle guidance, soothing voice, and impactful ways have truly touched my soul.


NEO Emotional Release Facilitator

In my emotional release session, I went from a lot of tightness, restriction and stuck energy to feeling blissful and surrounded by beautiful golden light. I feel so alive and energized now - magical!


Thank you Ariana for your compassionate and skillful guidance and for making me feel so seen and safe.


Social Media Manager

When Ariana facilitated an Emotional Release session with me, I tapped into my subconscious mind. Through this experience, I gained valuable insights into long-standing emotional burdens and their impact on various aspects of my life.

The persistent lump in my stomach has completely dissipated post-session, leading to a profound sense of relaxation and gratitude.



Ariana is truly an angel. She creates a safe space for me, where I feel heard and seen without any judgment.


Her angelic voice guides me through sessions, helping me recognize stored emotions in my body and areas where I've been feeling blocked in life.

Through her guidance across my mind, body, and soul, I've been able to release emotions and aspects of my life that were holding me back, allowing me to move forward more freely.


Thank you for your work.


Interior Design

With just 4 sessions under her tutelage, I grew more in a month than I maybe would have done in years.

When I first started working with Ariana I was a little spiritually lost and stuck in old habits. She gave me the strength and guidance to make changes in my life and now I feel blossoming from inside-out as a direct result.

I’ve been taught about mindfulness, how to leave the past behind, and focus on the positivity of the future. I also learned about the power of our thoughts and that we are the directors of our own lives.

Ariana is magic, she spreads lighting, awakening and good energy to everyone around her.

Her coaching is purely professional. Being a student with Ariana is a worthwhile investment, one I can’t recommend and thank her enough.


Makeup Artist

I found Ariana when I was going through my spiritual awakening. I was unsatisfied with my lifestyle, lost on my inner path, and not knowing my direction in life.


Already at our first session when I felt her magical energy, I knew this was going to be something amazing. Ariana is a great teacher and inspiration to me. She has this special way to make you believe in yourself and fully love yourself and everything around you. Her laughter and happiness, always make me look forward to our meetings. With her guidance, I experience a transformation flowing through me. I could never have imagined I’d be in the place I am right now. My energy changed everything around me for the better. I’m aligned, in contact with my true self and I’m learning to recognize my inner desires. 


I’ve chosen to continue my soul work with Ariana, and this self-love journey is something I truly recommend for everyone!

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