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Fresh New Leaf


Healer - Speaker - Life Coach

Hi beautiful


I am Ariana Christensen, a woman firmly rooted in my being and the earth. I describe myself as a genuine, loving, compassionate, and energized woman who uses every challenge in my life as a catalyst for growth.


Since childhood, my mother likened me to a Ferrari who needed to learn to drive. She was right; it's been a thrilling journey in the passenger seat. I discovered that it's easier to determine your destination than to trust fate for a favorable outcome. Now, I've taken the wheel, steering full speed ahead towards my mission of awakening others.


For many years, I was living a superficial life of guilt, lies, misalignment, low self-esteem (but high self-confidence), not realizing my worth or knowing what self-respect was. I thought I was living a life I liked and that I was doing well. But I was not connected to myself at all. I felt empty no sense of purpose. I had no idea of who I was, nor who I wanted to become, what I liked (except partying and shopping), or what my dreams were. I was hoping that I would find the love of my life, and everything would turn out perfect.


I reached a pivotal moment in my life where I began questioning my identity, desires, and self-worth, only to realize I wasn't content with myself. This led to feelings of shame and a desire to escape who I had become. I underwent physical changes and adopted a new persona centered on spirituality and positivity, striving to love myself and maintain a healthy lifestyle.


However, I soon found myself trapped in recurring patterns of darkness. It dawned on me that true transformation wasn't about suppressing perceived flaws but embracing and integrating all aspects of myself.


Through continuous self-discovery, I uncovered that everything I sought externally was already within.


When I understood that my job was not about eliminating the aspects of myself that I perceived as wrong or bad or suppressing them deep into my consciousness. But to rather shine a light upon the darkest corners of my physic and integrate every part of me into my wholeness. 


I realized that there is gold hidden in my darkness, light is hiding in my toxic behaviors, and that healing is hidden in the traumas of my past.


Now, I have discovered genuine self-love by connecting with its source - an unconditional, non-judgmental love within me. Reflecting on my journey, I am grateful for every experience that shaped me into the woman I am today. Each encounter and lesson guided me toward self-awareness and growth.



With Love,


Ariana Christensen






  • ACC Certified Coach

  • Emotional Release Facilitator (in training)

  • Certified Cognitive Behavioral Coach

  • Certified Mindfulness Teacher

  • Certified Intuitive Oracle Reader

  • Shadow Work Guide

  • Degree in Psychology

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